The virtual benefits fair shows plan information for 2024.

PSERS Health Options Program
Virtual Benefits Fair

Pre-65 Medical Plans

HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan

If you or a dependent is not yet eligible for Medicare, you can enroll in the HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan.

The HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan is the non-Medicare-eligible companion plan for the Medicare Supplement plans (HOP Medical Plan or Value Medical Plan). If you or a dependent is Medicare-eligible and enrolls in a Medicare Supplement plan, anyone you plan to cover who is not yet eligible for Medicare will need to select the HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan.

With the HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan, you can enroll in medical-only coverage or add on prescription drug coverage.

HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan

Watch this video on the HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan to learn about the medical coverage available to you through the Health Options Program if you are not yet eligible for Medicare.

Find a plan

Use this interactive decision guide to explore coverage options.

Comparable coverage for your spouse

If you and your spouse are both PSERS retirees, you may individually enroll in any option. If your spouse is NOT a PSERS retiree and is Medicare-eligible, he or she must enroll in the same plan that you enroll in. If your spouse is not eligible for Medicare, he or she must enroll in the same type of plan that you enroll in (the HOP Pre-65 Medical Plan if you enroll in the HOP or Value Medical Plan, or a managed care plan offered by the same insurance company if you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan).

For your consideration: If your spouse will have a Qualifying Event in the next year and is also considering enrolling, but not at the same time you will enroll, you may want to consider electing an option now that is good for both of you. Otherwise, your next opportunity to change options will be next fall during the Option Selection Period.

Pre-65 Managed Care Plans

If you or a dependent is not yet eligible for Medicare, you can enroll in a managed care plan through Highmark, Aetna, Independence Blue Cross, Capital Blue Cross, or UPMC.

The managed care plans are the non-Medicare-eligible companion plans for the Medicare Advantage plans. If you or a dependent is Medicare-eligible and enrolls in a Medicare Advantage plan, anyone you plan to cover who is not yet eligible for Medicare will need to select the corresponding managed care plan (from the same insurance company).