The virtual benefits fair shows plan information for 2025.

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PSERS Health Options Program
Virtual Benefits Fair

Welcome to the PSERS Health Options Program Virtual Benefits Fair!

Get to Know the Health Options Program

Retiree health benefits designed especially for you! The Health Options Program is exclusively for Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) retirees and their eligible dependents.

Watch this video, and consider whether the Health Options Program is right for you. Added bonus: Premium Assistance—a special financial incentive that is not available with a commercial program. Don’t miss out on your chance to save $100 per month toward your monthly premium!

Navigating the Virtual Benefits Fair

When you enroll in the Health Options Program, you have the option to enroll in a plan that supplements Original Medicare. Or you can enroll in a plan that replaces Original Medicare entirely (Medicare Advantage plan). Click on the sections below to learn more about each. When you are ready to decide, go to the Enroll section. You cannot enroll in both options! Be sure to review the plans available under each option, including additional benefit plans like dental and vision and wellness programs, before you make a selection.

Number 1

Supplements to Medicare

“HOP programs are an amazing bargain, both in cost and benefits. I am grateful to have been able to participate in it for many years.”

Number 2

Medicare Advantage Plans

“Thank you for keeping Highmark Freedom Blue PPO as an option for my medical insurance. It is a very excellent plan and I’ve been using it ever since. I was eligible to get one of best plans ever.”

Number 3

Pre-65 Medical Plans

“Thank you for making this an easy process.”

Elderly man on computer

Find a Plan

Find the best option for you. Use this interactive decision guide to explore coverage options.

Try the Find a Plan tool

Elderly woman checking paperwork


The Personalized Statement kit that you received from the Health Options Program shows your health care coverage options and corresponding costs. An enrollment Application Form was also included in your kit. Use the Statement and the information in this Virtual Benefits Fair, to help you choose the option that is best for you. When you are ready, complete the application.

Elderly man reviewing documents

Retirement Benefits

Looking for information about your PSERS retirement benefits? Visit the PSERS website and check out the options under Leaving Employment or Retired Members.

Visit the PSERS website